13th August 1999

If one were to compare the darkness in which many Seal are cast to a total solar eclipse, not only would it be topical, it would also imply that there is an impending end to the lack of light. This is, thankfully, the case.
Seal will be performing another concert in Aspen Colorado in September. His performance will be part of the Jazz Festival held at the Snowmass Town Park, so don't expect him to be onstage for the same duration as a dedicated gig.
A cynical person might suggest that he's gigging there in order to sqeeze in a bit of snowboarding, but that certainly wouldn't be FLP!

Check out the concert page for full date and venue details.

All that remains (no pun intended) now is to see whether Seal will be gracing the roads of Europe with his tour bus. If this airplay profile is any indicator, I would hold my breath...