Concert Reviews:
Bronco Bowl, Dallas, USA
When: June 1st, 1999
Reporter: Amy Bond
Publication: Seal Mailinglist @ OneList

Up Close and Personal

Dallas, Texas

It will be a long time before I stop pinging off the walls from last night's experience. The concert was outstanding, with Seal at his usual best. He performed songs from all three releases, and gave the crowd everything he had. The band was tight and he had everyone (well, almost) on their feet by the third song. He spoke of his "mission of love" and encouraged us all to hold on to our faith. His words to us and his musical performance moved me beyond compare . . . . or so I thought. . . .

We stayed a while after the concert to visit with friends and were late in leaving the performance hall. As we walked to the car I noticed a small crowd of people gathered outside around a fence, and when I looked more closely, realized they were talking to Seal. I approached the crowd, my ticket stub [it's all I had - didn't even think to take a CD, just in case!] and pen in hand. He was talking about what he might release in the future, touring schedule, websites, etc. (I plugged yours, Gareth!) and then said that while he had enjoyed talking to us, he had to go. Just then he looked at me, smiled, and I said, "Seal, please." He reached out for my hand and said, "What is your name?" I introduced myself, and as he autographed my ticket stub we had a brief conversation about the usual - wonderful performance, how much his music meant to me, etc. He again stressed how important it is that we all love each other while we're here. When he handed the stub back to me, I again thanked him, and he said, "thank you for coming, and for listening."

I was amazed at how soft spoken and gracious he was - almost difficult to hear at times, even standing right next to me. Needless to say, I won't be the same for quite some time. I hope all of you have the opportunity to witness the performance of this amazing musician and human being. I was in the presence of greatness last night and will remember the feeling always.

Reporter: Kyle Ware
Publication: UseNet group:

Seal's Performance and Character...

I attended the concert tonight of Seal at Dallas. It was in a word, unbelievable. I am still in shock as I sit here and type this, so I'm not really sure what to say. The set list I believe was identical to the Austin one. I can pretty safely say that the Dallas crowd was one of the best Seal is going to have on the tour. Joan Jones opened to a nearly empty audience, and I believe gave a somewhat empty performance. But in the intermission the crowd flooded in and there was a crowded house in attendance. We began to cheer after The Beginning, and it didn't let up from there. My throat hurts, and that is okay. The real miracle came after the concert when I attempt to find a crowd of people and security guards and hopefully some of the band, or even Seal. Yet to my surprize there were about five people standing around a screened chain link fence which housed the tour busses. And then to utter astonishment came Seal from the building alone. He walked out to us, without a whimper from the five or six of us there, and immediately thanked us for attending the concert.

I as well as the others then talked to him for a good twenty minutes. I was astonished. I was allowed the opportunity to ask Seal any question I wanted, and he gave me his undevided attention. So I asked many questions. : ) I couldn't help myself.

The first thing I asked is if he had ever heard of Gareth Edwards and the FLP website. I don't know why I asked that first, but it's like the scene in Ghostbusters where Ray can only think of the Stay Puft Marshmallow Man. He did reply that he was familiar with FLP, and likes it alot. Now, long story a little shorter, he went on to say that he will probably back away from albums and he wants to focus on family. He also said that within a year he is releasing a total dance album. We also talked about his purpose in creating music. He was greater that I could imagine.

The night was a total success. Not only was the concert one I will never forget, but I shook his hand (through a chain link fence) and had him autograph my ticket to the show. The crowd chatted with him for about twenty minutes, and then Brian Blade came out and introduced Seal to some of his friends, then they all left.

Sorry for all the rambling, I am still in shock and wonder.

