Concert Reviews:
Wolftrap Auditorium, Vienna, Virginia, USA
When: May 27th, 1995
Reporter: Erik-Jan Dubovik <>
Publication: N/A (From


"The trancelike melodies began... Seal emerged from the smoky shadows... he walked calmly, slowly, to the edge of the stage directly in front of my seat... the crowd roared with excitement as their electricity charged the air... looking up at him, I bowed in awe... turning, he smiled and..."

If Seal started a religion, I would follow.

After experiencing Seal in concert last night at the Wolftrap (Outdoor) Arena in Vienna, VA (close to Washington, DC) I am still without my voice and hearing... but would sacrifice them _anytime_ to see Seal in concert again.

Suffice to say... Seal is better the second time around... NOT THAT HE WAS LESS THAN INCREDIBLE THE FIRST TIME... In two weeks, I'm hoping to find out if the third time is going to be a charm or perhaps yet another near-religious experience.

This tour was easily distinguished from past performances. Seal played acoustic versions of several of his songs... which if you have never heared... RUN out and purchase his video also entitled SEAL (released circa his first album). The absence of electronic accompaniments highlights Seal's incredibly dynamic range Trevor Horn has frequently mentioned.

Throughout many of his songs, Seal joined the all-male band (sans Susannah of Wendy & Lisa fame, but including Jamie Muhoberac on keyboards who's been with him from the beginning). Seal's guitar skills were previously unknown to many at the show, and his special playing style surprised them (see the video & this will be clear as day). At times his vocal range _stunned_ the thousands of followers at this sold out performance. Seal has obviously been hard at work striving for perfection these past few months... and the work has clearly paid off.

What is in store for the lucky concert go-er??? An incredibly talented band & new guitar player... a judicious use of 70's style "twang" in a number of songs (it's due to the biggest futurisitc balls in the business)... a release from his second album NOT performed during his first tour (and it's INCREDIBLE)... and last, but certainly not least, a gifted, classy and beautiful young woman by the name of Des'ree.

That's it for now... Hope you enjoyed my mini-mind dump...
