Concert Reviews:
RiverBend Music Center, Cincinnati, USA
When: June, 12th, 1995
Reporter: Kevin Lively <>
Publication: N/A (Mailed directly to F.L.P. webmaster)

Dear Seal Fans!

I just saw the man himself last night at RiverBend Music Center, Cinn. Ohio. I wasn't sure what to expect from Seal. The night was filled with tons of surpises! Most of the songs had a new twist to them, it was more of a rock and roll Seal then Pop Seal (as we know him)! Bring It On just brought the house down, and Whirlpool was enlightening experience. I was dissappointed about the cost of the tickets at first, but after the show was over it was well worth it. I have seen a lot of good light shows, and Seal is one of the best. TWO THUMBS UP! A MUST SEE PERFORMANCE!

love, life and eternal happiness
       Kevin Lively
P.S. Don't go late and think you can miss Des'ree, she has a real short set!
Reporter: Robert B. Spelman <>
Publication: N/A (From

Well, I had a nice concert review all typed up and ready to go when my newseditor raped it.. So, you'll have to do with a setlist and comments, sorry :-(

I'm Alive 		- Rockin!
Jade      		- One of my Faves
Don't Cry 		- Hendrix-esque guitar solo
Dreaming in Metaphors 	
Whirlpool		- Dedicated as "a song to myself", VERY heavy
				Hendrix influence in this version
Kiss for a Rose		- Acoustic, congo drums on this one
Blues in E?		- "What's good for me is good for her and time"
Bring it On		- DEAD on it! The reflection from Seal's head
			   caused it to appear as though he had a blue
			   mohawk :-)
Killer			- The Metal version


Prayer for the Dying
Introduces the band	- No solos or other performances by the band
			   members being introduced!
Future Love Paradise	- Brought down the house!
>REALLY ABRUPT ENDING<	- The house lights came up seconds after he left

Other miscellaneous observations: Where was the "reggae-guitar" people were talking about? Unless that was the Hendrix-influenced blues stuff I was hearing, I didn't find reggae. No Marley here! Des'ree was actually impressive, without my having heard her album. Hearing her perform once previously did help on song recognition though. Notable absence from the setlist - "If I Could". IMHO, the best performance from the last time I saw him, this January at Aerie Crown, Chicago. The sound in Cincy wasn't great, but then it was an outdoor venue, not an acoustically perfect theatre (see Aerie Crown). Seeing him from a 3rd row center seat made up for the sound anyhow :-) - my friends should bail on me at shows more often, I can trade their seats for better single tix.

Anyway, enough rambling, anyone who wants more details about the show or who was actually THERE can write to me at the address below.
